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Journal : International Journal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDS)

Constraints Assessment Instrument Formulated The Science Learning in The Affective Domain By Primary School Teachers Sri Mulyani; Yanti Fitria
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 1 (2018): International Journal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.936 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i1.19


In this context, the teacher's Constraints in formulating Science Learning Assessment Instruments in accordance with the Affective Domain in SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam Padang. This research aims to know the constraints of teachers in Science learning assessment instrument formulated in accordance with the affective domain in SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam Padang. The approach in this study is a qualitative approach to the types of descriptive research. The subject in this study are all the teachers who teach Science Learning in SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam Padang which amounted to 18 teachers. Data collection is done using observation, and interviews. This research uses qualitative analysis of non-descriptive statistics. On the research component of the reduction of the data, and the data is done simultaneously with the process of data collection. After the data is collected, then do the reduction of data, data of the presence, and the withdrawal of the conclusion. Based on the research results obtained that the constraints experienced by teachers in formulating an assessment to determine the specifications, namely effective assessment, writing the assessment, affective domain to determine the scale of assessments, determine the scoring system, and interpreting affective domain appraisal
Effect of Pjbl Model and Preliminary Knowledge on Critical Thinking Skills of Grade Iv Students of Kartika Elementary School 1-11 Kota Padang Dian Puspita Sari; Abna Hidayati; Yanti Fitria; Mudjiran Mudjiran
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 1 (2018): International Journal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.545 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i1.56


This quasi-experimental study was to find out: (1) the influence of critical thinking skills of students given the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model with students who were given conventional learning; (2) the influence of critical knowledge with high initial knowledge using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model compared to those using conventional learning; (3) the influence of critical thinking skills with low initial knowledge using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model compared to those using conventional learning; (4) interaction between learning strategies with students' initial knowledge of critical thinking skills. This research is a quasi-experimental type with a research design using factorial 2x2. The population is all SD Kartika 1-11 students and the sample is 50 IVA and IVB students. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. Research data was obtained from tests of initial knowledge and critical thinking skills. The results of the study indicate that: (1) students' critical thinking skills given the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model higher tcount = 1.910> t table = 1.708; (2) Critical thinking skills with high initial knowledge using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) and conventional models have no significant differences thitung = 1.87 <ttable = 2.56; (3) Critical thinking skills with low initial knowledge use the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model higher t count = 3.71> t table = 2.56; (4) there is no interaction between learning models with students' initial knowledge of critical thinking skills. Keywords: PJBL, Preliminary Knowledge, Critical Thinking Skills.
The Effect of Learning Model-Based Integrated Webbed Scientific Type of Learning Outcomesa in Class IV SDN Gugus II Kecamatan Batang Anai Suhernisa MY; Solfema Solfema; Yanti Fitria; Hendra Syarifuddin
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.53 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.83


Mathematics learning has so far not developed students' ability to solve problems. This can be seen from the difficulties of students in solving problems found in mathematics subjects. The purpose of this study in general is to examine the effect of PBL models and learning motivation on the mathematics learning outcomes of Class IV of SD Negeri 1 Batang Anai District, Batang Anai District, Pariaman Regency. The method used was a quasi-experimental design with 2x2 factorial design. The experimental and control groups were recruited by purposive random sampling. Data were analyzed by two-way variance t-test and analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in learning outcomes between students taught with PBL models rather than students taught with conventional approaches, and between groups of students who were high and low motivated learning. There is no significant interaction between PBL models and learning motivation towards learning outcomes.
The Improvement of Learning Outcomes in Reducting Deniminational Fractions is Not the Same as Stad Type Cooperative Learning in Elementary Schools Nurafni Aswati; Hadiyanto Hadiyanto; Yanti Fitria
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.6 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.96


The problem of learning the material geometrical properties particulary rectangular prisms and triangular prisms are: in the learning process, the teacher is not using a variety of methods such as focus group discussions were held infrequently. The results of studying the properties of rectangular and triangular prisms in fifth grade at elementary school with STAD in cycle I and II, which increased the average value obtained in the first cycle an average of 62.04 and the second cycle an average of 81, 04. Of the ability of teachers to design lessons from 75 % to 93%. Activities teachers from 57% to 91% increase. Student activity increased 68.75% from 87.51%. It can be concluded that the STAAD tpess can Abstract Based on the results of observations conducted by researchers in class IV SDI of Bukittinggi Community, it was seen that learning to reduce the disputed fractions was not the same, often dominated by teachers which caused students to be less active. Research procedures include: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The approach in this study is a qualitative and quantitative approach. Research procedures include: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of the research from each cycle carried out have increased. Seen in: a) Learning cycle I planning 75% while the second cycle 93%. b) Implementation of learning on researchers in cycle I 71% and cycle II 89%. Whereas for the first cycle students 57% and the second cycle 91%. c) Student learning outcomes cognitive aspects of cycle I 68.40 and cycle II 78.40, affective aspects of cycle I 62.04 and cycle II 81.04 and psychomotor aspects of cycle I 70.16 and cycle II 77.0.
The Development of Math-Integrated Light and Optical Instruments Teaching Materials Using the Problem-Based Learning Model Yulia Rahmi; Yanti Fitria
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.721 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.101


This study aimed to develop math-integrated light and optical instruments teaching materials using the problem-based learning model that are valid, practical, and effective. This research was developed using a 4D model consisting of stages of defining, designing, developing, and distributing. Teaching materials and learning devices used were validated by experts in terms of education, language and graphics. The subjects of this study were the first semester students of the elementary school teacher study program (PGSD) in a teacher training institution (LPTK). The results showed that the results of the validation of RPS, SAP and teaching materials were on average 91%, 91%, and 83%, respectively. The practicality test results in the trial phase of the first semester students at the LPTK in Region A showed that the percentages of the SAP implementation, responses from lecturers, and responses from students were, on average, 78%, 79%, and 83%, respectively. The effectiveness test was done by viewing the students’ activities in the learning process whose the value was 70%, while the results of their pre-test and post-test were 63.9 and 79.6, respectively, and n-gain was 0.4. The dissemination stage was implemented on the first semester students of the LPTK in Region B. The percentages of the SAP implementation, responses from lecturers, and responses from students were, on average, 83%, 83%, and 77%, respectively, while the achievement of the students in their pre-test and post-test were 64.5 and 81.2, respectively, with n-gain of 0.5. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of math-integrated light and optical instruments teaching materials using the problem-based learning model in this development research was in the criteria of valid, practical, and effective.
Improved Student Participation of Mind to Learning Thematic Using Community Technology Science (STM) Science Approach Class IV in Primary Education Nofriza Efendi; Yanti Fitria; Farida F; Syahniar Syahniar
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.633 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.105


This research is motivated because students have not fully participated in the thoughts on thematic learning in class IV SDN 24 Kalumbuk City of Padang . Students have not seen much like expressing opinions, asking questions, and answering questions, in learning activities . This study discusses b agaimanaka h p eningkatan participation mind on thematic learning with use approach science Technology Community (STM) in Class IV SDN 24 Kalumbuk, Padang City
The Nquiry Learning Strategy on Skills of Science Process and Class IV Learning Motivationstate in SDN 24 Elementary School Singgalang Vivi Lusidawaty; Yanti Fitria; Yalvema Miaz; Risda Amini
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.368 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.112


This study aims to describe the implementation of inquiry learning strategies to improve learning motivation and science process skills of students in grade IV of Ginggong Singgalang 24 Elementary School. This study is a class action research which is a study developed jointly for researchers and decisions maker about variables that are manipulated and can be used to make improvements. Repairs are carried out with two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. Data from research results can be grouped into two, namely quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data, namely numerical data, are qualitative data in the form of descriptive. As the subjects in this study were teachers and fourth grade students of SDN 24 Ganting Singgalang District X Koto Tanah Datar District, amounting to 30 people consisting of 13 male students and 17 female students. The results showed that the average value of students in cycle 1 was 72 experiencing an increase in cycle 2, namely 87. The percentage of students' mastery learning in the first cycle was 62% of students obtaining complete grades, while in the second cycle 93% of students obtained completing grades. Thus, there was an increase of as much as 31%. Student learning motivation with the implementation of inquiry learning strategies in class IV of Ginggong Singgalang 24 Elementary School was stated with more than 50% of students who agreed, 57% stated Strongly Agree and 33% agreed. Meanwhile, 7% said that they were Doubtful and 3% stated that they did not agree.
A Competence Comparison of Learning Results Using Problem Based Learning With Discovery Learning on Integrated Themat Learning in Class IV Basic School Elmita Waslina; Farida F; Yanti Fitria; Mudjiran Mudjiran
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.295 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.113


This study aims to compare the application of Problem Based Learning learning models to Discovery Learning students in grade IV SD 187 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted with experimental research methods with a comparative approach. "This type of research is the same as post-facto research, ie data is collected after all phenomena or events under investigation take place or about things that happen so that nothing is controlled. the average value of the pretest and posttest of student learning outcomes using the proble based learning model that is equal to 63,676 and 83,382, higher than the results of learning the pretest and posttest students using discovery learning methods, which amounted to 40,454 and 70,606. Thus, the Test Result shows Fcount is greater than Ftable, which is 10.176> 3.98856, so Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted, meaning that it can be concluded that there is an interaction between the problem based learning model and the discovry learning model on student learning outcomes.
A Implementation of Contextual Approach to Improve Motivation and Student Learning Outcomes in Class VI Learning Science Learning SD Negeri 24 Ganting Singgalang Hilda Marta; Yanti Fitria; Hadiyanto Hadiyanto; Risda Amini
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.395 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.114


This study aims to describe the Application of Contextual Approaches to Improve Student Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Class VI Learning in Class VI of Singgalang Elementary School 24. This research is a class action research, which is a study developed jointly for researchers and decision makers about variables that are manipulated and can be used to make improvements. Repairs are carried out with two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Data from research results can be grouped into two, namely quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data, namely numerical data, are qualitative data in the form of descriptive. As the subjects in this study were teachers and students of class VI SDN 24 Ganting Singgalang District X Koto Tanah Datar District, amounting to 27. The results of the study obtained an average value of students in cycle I was 64.3 experienced an increase in the second cycle, 96. Thus, increased by 31%. While the affective aspects obtained an average score of 96 and the psychomotor aspects obtained an average score of 94. Thus, students' learning motivation with the application of a contextual approach in class VI of Singgalang Elementary School 24 Ganting was stated to have increased.
Application of Mind Mapping Learning Methods to Improve Activities and Results of Student Learning in 2013 Integrated Thematic Curriculum Learning in Class IV SDN 11 Air Kalam Nelli Herawani; Hadiyanto Hadiyanto; Yanti Fitria
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Jurnal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.353 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v1i2.122


This study aims to describe the application of the Mind Mapping method to Increase student activity and student learning outcomes in 2013 curriculum integrated thematic learning in class IV SDN 11 Air Kalam. This research is a class action research, which is a study developed jointly for researchers and decision makers about variables that are manipulated and can be used to make improvements. Repairs are carried out with two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Data from research results can be grouped into two, namely quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data, namely data in the form of numbers while qualitative data in the form of descriptive. As the subjects in this study were fourth grade students of SD Kalam 11 Air Kalam which amounted to 20. Based on the results of the study, the activities of students in the first cycle were 78.5% experiencing an increase in the second cycle of 86%. Thus, it has increased by 7.5%. While the student learning outcomes obtained in cycle 1 were 13 students who completed with a percentage of 65% and in cycle 2 as many as 16 students who completed a percentage of 80%. Thus, the activities and student learning outcomes with the application of mind mapping methods in class IV of SD Kalam 11 Air Kalam were stated to have increased.
Co-Authors -, Nelvianti Abdio Putra Abna Hidayati Adam Malik Adrias Agasi, Diren Agus Ruswandi Ahmad Fauzan Ahmad Fauzan Ahmad Saleh Ahmad Zikri Aissy Putri Zulkarnaini Aisyah Nofziarni ajo mansur Alghaniy Nurhadiyati Ali Imran Anggara Marza Anggun Radika Putri Ardipal Ardipal Ari Kiswanto Arrum Meirisa Arwin Arwin Betridamela Nasti Bima Prakarsa Arzfi Bima Prakarsa Arzfi Chairul Azmi Daharnis Daharnis Darmansyah Darmansyah Bahar Darmansyah Darmansyah Darmasyah Darmasyah Darnis Arief Daryanti Daryanti DENI OKTA NADIA Desi Aulia Desi Aulia Desi Dwisetiarezi Desi Indriyani Desi Indriyani Desty Ayu Anastaha Desyandri Desyandri Dhara Atika Putri Dian Puspita Sari Didi Syahrir Dina Erina Nasution Diren Agasi Dwi Suryani Alfa Dwiki Anpariza Ediyanto Ediyanto Efendi, Nofriza Efry Yenny Elfi Indriani Elfia Sukma Eli Sasmita Elmita Waslina Elmita Waslina Elsa Wahyuni Elva Refariza Fachri Adnan Fadhilah Fadhilla Imanda Azzahra Fadhli Fadhli Farida F Farida F Farida F Farida F Farida F Farida F Farida Fahrudin Fatimah Fatimah Fatimah Feby Kurniawan Feni Herlina Feri Novriadi Fiddinya Nurul Hasanah Fifi Nofitri Firna Efriyenef Fitri Handayani Fitri Handayani Fitri Wardah Fitria Kumala Sari Fitria Kumala Sari Fitriadi Fitriadi Friska Efendi Friska Hered Gustiayu Juita Harun Habbieb Abdullah Hadiyanto Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto Hasanatul Fitri Hazizah Zafira Hendra Syarifuddin Hendra Syarifuddin Hendra Syarifuddin Hendra Syarifuddin Herawani, Nelli Hesty Parbuntari Hilda Marta Hilda Marta Ice Muniwastia Idriyeni Idriyeni Iit Pebrian IMRA ANNISA Indriani Sevti Annisa Inge Kadarsih Irdamurni Irdamurni Irdamurni Irdamurni Irdamurni, Irdamurni Irsyad, Irsyad Irza Rusni Jamaris Jamaris Kadarsih, Inge Karnilawati Kenedi, Ary Kiswanto Kurnia Nur&#039;afita Sari Kurnia Puspita Sari Ladiva, Hasmai Bungsu Leni Elisa Leni Elisa Lifda Sari. S Lili Iswari Linda Juliharti Lola Afriani M Ridwan M. Fachri Adnan Maiyona Ovartadara Mardiah Mardiah Maria Montesori Maria Montessori Marnis Susanti Marta Ningrum Mujiarti Putri Maulani, Yulia Mayarnimar Mayarnimar Mega Iswari Meila Yufriana Devi Meila Yufriana Devi Melva Zainil Mesi Yulia Sari Insani Miftahul Khair Mike Oktavia Minda Azhar Miranda Miranda Mona Monita Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Muhammad Anwar Muhammad Irsyad Muhammad Kristiawan Muhammad, Milotul Muhammadi Muhammadi Mutiara Hasanah Mutiaramses Mutiaramses Nadra Hafizah Nelli Herawani Nelli Herawani Nelvianti Nelvianti Nesta Olivia Neviyarni Neviyarni Niki Yulianti Nining Yulianti Fitri Nofia Henita Nofriza Efendi Nofriza Efendi Nofriza Efendi Novalina INDRIYANI Novelia Pertiwi Nur Atikah Nur Atikah Nur Azmi Alwi Nur Rahmi Nurafni Aswati Nurafni Aswati Nurhelfi Risman Dani Nurhizrah Gistituati Nurhizrah Gistituati Nurhizrah Gistituati Nurhizrah Gistituati Nurradiati Nurradiati Nurul Halimah Oktaveni Yetri Qotrun Nada Fitri Adisva Rahimah Ismail Rahma Hidayanthi Rahma Hidayanthi Rahma Taher Rahmad Wahyugi Rahmadhani, Yolanda Rahmania Yunita RAHMI YULIA Rauladety Anas Refli Surya Barkara Reinita Reinita Rena Elia Reny Novita Sari Resi Ananda Resi Ananda Retno Aulia Fortuna rezi asmeli Ricky Avandra RICKY GUSTIAWAN Rifma Rifma Rina Marlina Rini Fauziah Riqqah Annisa Maharani Riqqah Annisa Maharani Risda Amini Risda Amini Riska Putri Taupik Riska Putri Taupik Riva Komala Sari Rizka Oktarina Rizqa Ramadhani Romi Kurniawan Rusdinal Rusdinal Rusdinal Rusdinal Salwa Annisa Hasri Salwa Annisa Hasri Selfi Rahmi Andini Selfi Rahmi Andini Selpa Mai Ningsih setri wulandari lisda Sherly Asmelia Sherly Putri Asmelia Siska Tresia Oktari Siti Hajar Siti Nur Isnaini Siti Suhailah Rangkuti Solfema Sonia Dwi Permata Putri Sri Mulyani Sri Wahyuni Suang Kupon Syukur Suang Kupon Syukur Suci Astafrina Sufyarma Marsidin Suhernisa MY Sumiati Pulungan Sumiati Pulungan Sundahry, Sundahry SUNDARI JS Syafri Ahmad Syahniar Syahniar Syahniar Syahniar Syiti Mutia Hasnan Syukria Annisa Three Rahmadona Tia Afrinanda Pratiwi Tiara Kazumaretha Tita Purnama Sari Ulandari Safitri Ulianas, Alizar Ulil Zairmi Ully Fauziah Usmaulidar Usmaulidar Vani Qhairum Nisa Utami Veni Nurman Vianes Muliza Putri Vianes Muliza Putri Vinda Dwi Ananda Vivi Lusidawaty Vivi Lusidawaty wanelly, widya Wasthi Ramadhani Watin Dehistora weni indriyanti Widya Indra Widya Wanelly Yalvema Miaz Yalvema Miaz Yanti Fitriaice Muniwastia Yati Yati Yeni Erita Yeni Erita Yeni Karneli Yenni Atikah Pane Tika Yerizon Yerizon Yerizon Yerizon Yori Sri Ayunda Yossa Arisanti Yulia Mona Liza Yulia Narmi Yulia Rahmi yulia sari Yullys Helsa Yulyani Yulyani Yumila Ningsih Yuni Ahda Yunisrul Yunisrul Yusmaita, Eka Yusrani Fitri Zen, Zelhendri